Inculcating values in children

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Whilst we speak much about inculcating global awareness in our children it is so much important for kids to understand our own culture, Indian traditions, cuisine as well as our achievements. One huge feather in our Indian cap has been the Indian win at the recent Oscars for The Elephant Whispers and Natu Natu song.

The diaspora had the whiff of the Indian context and tears welled up in the eyes of many patriotic spirits. At my classes, it was the time for a get-together and I have a penchant for themes. As I watched the documentary, my husband Shailesh and I came up with the fantastic idea of hosting a Movie time for my students along with a dance party.

It was summer vacations for most kids who looked more than happy to make it a super hit! Several learning outcomes effaced as the children watched the movie with intrigue. There is so much to give even if you are close to the autumn of your life( Bomman and Eliie had so much of love to give beyond other things) and it was pure bliss to watch the Jumbo communicate. We also had an amazing performance of few students dancing to Natu Natu step ( in their own style and pace).

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