Mental Health is important for New moms

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Welcoming a new born is such a joy! A new baby cot, diaper racks, baby creams and sweet smelling blankies include an important phase in the lives of a mom and dad. A family is a team and it is admirable when role reversals happen spontaneously. A new baby in the house is a source of admiration, joy, and smiles bu t at times this can be overwhelming too.

Planning is the key for a smooth process during the last trimester. This includes a reliable support system that also focusses on the mental health and general well-being of the mother-to-be. Preparing the room, additional storage area as well as arrangements to take care of the sibling is a priority at all times. 

This is such an enjoyable phase and with a bit of care, adjustment and planning it will be smooth-sailing. It is vital for moms to ASK for help. New moms have their plates full  with tending to the new born, nursing the baby on a timely basis, pediatrician visits and also maintaining hygiene. Self-care is essential with me-time like listening to music, enjoying a square meal, chatting with friends or reading a book. Sleep is also vital with rests or naps during the day. Broken sleep can play havoc on both physical and mental health.

Expression of emotions is important for a new mom. Asking for help, expecting delays and maintaining a cool composure helps a new mom relax. In case there is any indication of sad moments, excessive crying, anger or prolonged depression in a new mom, this has to be addressed soon under the care of a psychologist. Post partum depression must never be neglected. 

The joy of parenting is doubled with cooperation, planning and taking care of the mental health of a new mother.


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