( article part 1 – Perimenopausal moms and her Teen children)
Menopause usually between 45 to 55 years of age is a time for ladies to take it a little easy. It is also a time when a mother’s hormones are dwindling and the teen child’s hormones are surging. A tough phase for both and there is much of conflicts, disagreements and expression of anger seen from both the sides.
One key element here is – COMMUNCIATION.
Dr Yogini Rolekar – Gynaecologist at Yogini Maternity Hospital – Valsad mentions, “ During menopause, the ovaries cease to release eggs. The estrogen and progesterone mainly cause the menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, heart pounding, forgetfulness, headaches, irritability, night sweat and sleep disturbances to name a few. This may go on for five years till the periods completely stop. It is highly recommended to go in for regular physical exam as in a mammogram.

Diet plays a good role so reduce caffeine, avoid alcohol and spice laden meals. Soy contains estrogen which is recommended and also food that has plenty of vitamin D and calcium”.
Dr Yogini also recommends, “ Do Kegel exercise for strengthening the pelvis and practice slow, six deep breaths during the hot flashes. Try yoga, Taichi or any meditation. Visit a trusted gynaecologist.
Tips for the mother :
- Express your feelings. Involve your family irrespective of their busy schedules and allot them a few chores.
- If overwhelming, outsource the chores to make it easy for all.
- Mood swings, including irritability, depression, and anxiety are also some signs and feel free to approach a licensed therapist.
- Reach out to friends and family and enjoy a simple meal or a light hearted banter with friends that will cheer you up.
- It is difficult for you to explain to your child and partner about how you are feeling but it is essential for them to know that today is getting difficult for you.
- Ask for help, engage in self-care and enjoy simple pleasures of life. Overall, make your life as easy as possible.
Tips for the Teenager at home
- Bonding in a family happens with values of sharing and caring. Share chores and help out as a team.
- Teenagers too are facing a different stage with hormones and emotional issues surfacing. Express yourself in a tone that is congenial and accept the guidance at home.
- Your family needs you and your mother is looking for support. When not possible to meet up with the chores, communicate well in advance.
- You may also Learn a few life skills when you help at home and the best part will be time management.
- Anger is not a negative emotion. It has a range of several emotions beneath it. Make time for yourself to present your issues before your parents.