1.Lead by Example:
A child easily mimics your behaviour and so also it is about the food choices that adults make at home.
2.Bonding with Meal Planning:
Use a weekend to plan meals and also list out the grocery. E.g. one child can make a list of dairy items, and other family members can select vegetables. Menus prepared for the week can be pasted on the fridge. So less, squabbles at the dinner table.
3.Add color and variety :
Cookie cutters, range of vegetables, seasonings, home made sauces and fusion mixes is what all kids love. Learn new cooking styles as a family. Diversity and pot pourri works like magic.
4.Study the labels :
Every food jar has a nutrition quotient. Learn a bit of calories, proteins and store things accordingly. Limit the processed foods and sugar especially sugary drinks.
5.Be Mindful of Portions:
Teach your child about portion sizes to help them develop a healthy relationship with food. Avoid using food as a reward or punishment.
6. Respect food
Along with avoiding wastage also help children respect every morsel. Gratitude towards food is a virtue.
7.Let cooking be a bonding experience
Let children learn to arrange salads, work artistically on the greens, lay the table and make it an exclusive Sunday brunch. Allow them to look up for recipes and cultivate a healthy cooking habit. More fun by naming a family recipe curated by kids.
All this is a work of love and loads of patience. Be a cool parent!